Who has been overwhelmed by life’s challenges? Who has been struggling with the problems that seem to never end? Who wants a change in their life?

The Lord is near to us that feel this way. God wants to comfort you and me in our time of struggle.

Psalm 34:18 The Lord is near to the brokenhearted, and saves the crushed in spirit.

Who wants a change in their life, but is unsure how to make it happen?

You may feel alone, but know God is always with you, and that we have a desire to help you in your hard times, and celebrate with you in your good times.

For two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. (Ecclesiastes 4:9)

Even if we are not always able to be around, The Lord is, and He wants to radically change you from the inside out. That way, you can be refreshed and encourage those around you, all from the very same strength He gives to you.

Who is ready for a difference to be made in their life, and have their life shine a light into others? Biblical truth and principles, for practical results.

John 15:4 - Abide in me, and I in you. As a branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine; neither can you, unless you abide in Me.

Jesus tells us that to bear fruit—to really make and see a difference in our lives and other’s, we must spend time in Him.

What does this look like? Here are practical ways to abide in Him,

  • Take God’s Word, His seed, into your heart. Reading The Word, so His Words become your thoughts. He has given you the tools to spend more time with Him (you’re using one of those tools right now).

  • Organize your time, working space, and thoughts

    • Using social media, or music, to take in more of His Word

    • Set your working area to be free of distractions

    • Via the first two points, it will help prime your thoughts to be more focused on Him and your work

  • Continue in it, with discipline and steadfastness—abide.

It takes time, but we have been given the mind of Christ, through His word we can renew our mind to His ways, becoming vessels for His work. The sooner we submit ourselves to Him, the sooner we will see change.

Psalm 107:9 — For he satisfies the thirsty soul, and the hungry soul He fills with goodness

If you go to Him, wanting to be filled, and fulfilled, He will satisfy you. He takes us and fills us with the good things that are of Him.

If you think this is for you, to bring it all in, give all you have to The Lord, and use what He’s given you to glorify Him, and prosper in Him…

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